Year R: Peppard 2024 - 2025



We are a class of 12 children with our teachers Mrs Byron (Mon, Tues, Fri) and Mrs Girdler (Wed-Thur)
Mrs Wall supports us (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri) and Mrs Cleall supports us (Weds).


This term will be on Thursdays.


Reading (with an adult or by an adult) please record this in your child's reading record daily.

Reading books are changed on Tuesdays (Big Cat Phonics books to match our new sounds covered in phonics)

Reading books will be changed again for the weekend if the Big Cat Book has been read enough times at home. 


Keep up to date with what we are doing each term through our weekly blog published every Friday.

Our Curriculum

Information for parents regarding Peppard's Curriculum can be found here.

Things to Remember

Please also ensure that children have water bottles and their reading books in school daily.

We have a welly rack outside our corridor for the winter months when the Common can get very muddy.


If you have any concerns regarding your child's safety, please speak to a member of staff or Mr Steele (Designated Safeguarding Lead).

Year R: Peppard: Blog items

January 2025, by Mrs Byron

Peppard Class 17/01/25, by Mrs Girdler

Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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