Highmoor 7th June

Date: 7th Jun 2024 @ 3:14pm

Welcome back to school. 

We have had a busy first week including a sporting event on Thursday for the Quad Kid finals in Didcot. We had a great time and everyone tried their best. In other sporting news we started our tennis lessons on Tuesday afternoons at the tennis club and are doing athletics on the Common on Wednesdays.
In maths we have moved on to ‘Shape’ and have been looking at turns, direction and different types of angles. 
Our class read is ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons’ and we are already enjoying the story and are keen to know what happens next! We are also starting to learn the poem 'The Dragon Who Ate Our School' and will be thinking about what would make a good performance of it.
In history our topic is ‘Who were the Normans and how did they affect our local area?’ We started by learning about the situation which led to the Norman invasion - the death of King Edward and his lack of heir and we held a debate to decide who out of the 3 contenders for the throne should be the next King. We decided differently to actual events!!
In Science this half term we are learning about our bodies, particularly our skeleton and muscles and how important nutrition is. Today we had fun drawing around each other and starting to label our life size body. We also made skeletons with split pins. 
Have a great weekend everyone.

Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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