Highmoor 5th July

Date: 5th Jul 2024 @ 4:47pm

Welcome to our week in Highmoor.

It has been a busy week with moving up days. All children came back from their new classroom excited about next year having had two lovely mornings in Springwood.

This week in art we painted our dragon eyes with  a base colour, either blue or red. We ensured that every bit was covered so no white clay was left visible. The sculptures will now dry ready for more paint application next week. We talked about the process so far and the tools and material we’ve used.

Continuing with our dragon theme we have started to plan non chronological reports about our dragons. It has been great fun thinking about the type of dragon we want to write about, its habitat, diet and appearance! We have been working on newspaper reports featuring dragon attacks!

In maths for yr 4 we have moved on to co-ordinates which everyone is loving. We are plotting points on grids to produce shapes, solving problems and thinking about patterns. Year 3 are recapping the properties of 2D and 3D shapes using mathematical terminology to describe them.

In PSHE this half term we are learning about budgeting and how to manage money. This week we discussed how to efficiently spend a limited budget and thought about priorities. We asked the question’ Do I really need  that item?’

We have a trip next week to Wallingford to visit the museum and castle on Tuesday. Please can children bring packed lunches and clothes suitable for weather. Do ask of you have any questions.

Homework is Doodle, spellings, reading and times tables.

Hacs a great weekend everyone.

Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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