Highmoor 29th November

Date: 29th Nov 2024 @ 1:28pm

Welcome to our week in Highmoor.

We have been continuing with our work on multiplication and division in maths. We have been solving division problems using grouping and sharing and have had a focus on our 3 times table.
In literacy we continue to read Michael Morpurgo's version of Hansel and Gretel and wrote some fabulous descriptions of our own version of the witch. We are also reading Into The Forest by Anthony Brown and have been working on speech punctuation in our written work. We all got a pet rock today and wrote short stories of how they each became a pebble!
This week in geography we investigated the different human features we can see at the coast including those associated with tourism (we knew lots about this already and we’re keen to share!) and industrial and commercial features.
In RE we read and watched a video about Angel Gabriel’s visit to Mary and wrote diary entries as if we were Mary.
In art we continued our exploration of the affect our choice of pencils can make. We discovered the difference between a 2b and and H pencils. This helped with our designs showing different tones in our monochrome designs. We then moved on to blending colours focusing on the pressure we applied to our drawing tools. Such concentration provided some amazing results.

We had a great visit from members of the Reading Geological Society, with workshops to encourage us to look at rocks, erosion, fossils, and soil. We saw some incredible examples of sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks and started to learn how fossils are made. We drew pictures of what we observed and also investigated Mohs Scale of Hardness.
Homework is to read daily, times tables, Doodle maths and spelling.
Have a great weekend all. 

Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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