Highmoor 28th June

Date: 28th Jun 2024 @ 1:14pm

Welcome to our week in Highmoor.

We started our week with maths and reading assessments. Everyone tried their best and approached them with a mature attitude.
In literacy we edited and improved our speech punctuation work from last week and also started work on a newspaper report about dragons!
In Science we concluded our experiment on using our muscles and thought about which ones we use when jumping, by doing some running long jumps and recording the results. Super teamwork from everyone! Then each person’s results were added up and divided to find the average length of their jump. After that, we calculated the difference in cms between our standing and running jump averages. The next day we created pictograms of the results too, allowing us to compare the results really easily and seeing that we definitely jump further when we have a run up! Great combining of both outdoor science learning and real world maths!
In art we turned our drawn plans from last week into sculptures of dragon’s eyes. We explored the different tools we could use to create different effects into the clay. We first rolled out our clay and cut round a template to get a basic shape. We cut a hole for the eye and then we got really creative; rolling, pressing, and squeezing a variety of shapes to attach to the base. We added texture for a scaly skin effect to complete the look. Mrs Clinkard was very impressed at how well we worked, our ideas and commitment to achieving our best artwork.
Our RE topic this half term is ‘Does prayer make a difference?’ We started by thinking about the different reasons people pray. We wrote our own prayers and then moved on to looking at how Christians pray and artefacts they might use to help them.
Homework is Doodle maths, spellings, reading and times tables.
Have a good weekend all. 

Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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