Highmoor 24th May

Date: 24th May 2024 @ 9:20am

Welcome to the last 2 weeks in Highmoor!

Apologies for the lack of blog last week, the website wasn't working properly. The highlight of last week was the cricket festival at The Hill school we took part in on Friday. We had a great time in the sunshine and everyone played well. We went to another sporting event this week on Tuesday - Quad Kids at Chiltern Edge school. We all took part in a long distance race, sprint, throw, jump and relay. We showed great sportsmanship and did really well collectively as team Highmoor.

In maths over these 2 weeks we have worked on using and converting between 12 and 24 hour clicks and analogue time. We solved problems involving duration and start and end times. We have also been recapping column addition and subtraction and using these to solve tricky problems.

We wrote our own sequels to the book Journey in literacy. We watched an animation of the actual sequel - Quest - and then planned and wrote our own story using all the different language features we've been learning about this half term like description with powerful vocabulary, speech, action sequences, interesting verbs etc. We had some really imaginative quests that our characters went on.

In art this half term we have been creating miniature 3D pop up water colour landscape paintings. We started using big brushes to make a wash for the background. We then cut steps into the card to provide a structure on which to build the 3D effect.During the course of the project we used smaller and smaller brushes until we painted either a cottage or an image of the school. It took great concentration and accurate brush skill to produce these beautiful landscapes.

We had a visit from Peter Greenman from Trinity Church in Henley on Wednesday to talk to us about our RE topic this half term 'Does Jesus have authority for everyone?' It was interesting to get a different perspective on our question.

In the second week back after half term the year 4s have their statutory Multiplication Tables Check. This test will be done online and consists of 25 questions on their times tables up to 12 x 12. Any further practise at home will greatly benefit your child. We have been using websites like mathsframe.co.uk, timestables.co.uk, hit the button  and others. These are all free and can be used at any time at home. Your child is very familiar with them!

Have a lovely half term everyone. Fingers crossed for some sunshine. 

Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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