Highmoor 24th January
Date: 24th Jan 2025 @ 9:53am
Welcome to our week in Highmoor.
In literacy we looked at the reasons why characters from The Egyptian Cinderella might write letters to each other and how they might word them before choosing a character and starting to draft a letter from them. We thought carefully about how letters should be set out and were very pleased with our results!
We continued the Egyptian theme in our art by finding inspiration from our drawings and books then starting to cut out pieces for our collages from our painted papers.
In maths we have continued to work on short division, using representations of place value counters if needed or times tables squares to help. We also completed word problems using our multiplication and division skills.
We learnt about timelines in history, what BC/AD stand for and BCE and CE. We then assembled our own timeline for ancient Egypt.
We were out on the common for PE practising our skills for invasion games like netball and basketball with fun games.
In PSHE we thought about laws and rules and why we have them. We had some interesting discussions and designed posters to highlight their importance.
Homework is daily reading, Doodle maths, spelling and times tables.
Have a great weekend everyone.