Highmoor 17th January

Date: 17th Jan 2025 @ 1:11pm

Welcome to our week in Highmoor.

We are really enjoying our PE so far this term and had our first Egyptian Dance lesson! We created 2d shapes with our bodies and had lots of fun dancing to 'Walk like an Egyptian' by The Bangles and familiarised ourselves with some Egyptian dance moves! We also had a lesson on the common practising our evasion and change of direction skilks with some fun games.

In literacy we have been investigating diary writing, we read excerpts from books written in diary format, spotted key features and wrote our own as if we were a piece of school equipment! We acted out different emotions for others to guess what we were portraying thinking about how it is important to include emotions and feelings in diary entries. We have also started to plan and draft a diary entry as one of the characters from The Egyptian Cinderella.

In maths we looked at how division and multiplication are related and we started to learn a new method of division - the bus stop method using place value counters. The counters helped us understand the value of the numbers we were dividing.

We were solving a tomb robbery crime in history and tried to match objects to the correct tomb owner.

In science we were measuring the craters that meteors (rocks!) make when they drop from a height. We realised that they got bigger the larger the meteor but also made messy craters when dropped form larger heights! No wonder the dinosaurs are extinct!  We prepared our coloured paper for next week’s collaging in Art and took inspiration from Henri Matisse and Egyptian art.

Dont forget homework please and enjoy the weekend.

Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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