Highmoor 14 June

Date: 14th Jun 2024 @ 1:16pm

Welcome to our week in Highmoor.

We have been continuing with shape in maths. We looked at the properties of different types of polygons focusing on quadrilaterals, parallel and perpendicular lines and lines of symmetry.

In literacy we have been writing Dragon poems. We read the book 'Tell me a Dragon' which inspired us to write our poems about 'My Dragon,' we had some lovely writing about pocket sized dragons, dragons that live in the ocean and race dolphins, dragons made of lava and many more fantastic ideas.

On Monday we did our official multiplication tables check. All children approached this in a calm and focused way and I know they have all been working hard on their tables so should be very proud of what they have achieved. 

We had lots of fun reenacting the Battle of Hastings in history. Some of us were Norman cavalry or archers and some were King Harold's soldiers in a shield wall. William (Elle!) made a great job of commanding his army and Harold (Henry!) was doing well until an arrow pierced his eye!!

On Tuesday some of us took part in a tennis tournament. We all played well and were only a point behind 2nd place! The rest of us had fun joining in team games with Greys class PE lesson.

Our computing topic this half term is all about networks. We learnt that a network is a group of computers and devices that are connected so they can share information. We went searching for different components of our school network all around the school.

In art we made some fabulous Father’s Day cards. We thought about how colours contrast and how well we could use our rulers. We had to take such care as we worked in pen knowing we could not correct any mistakes we might make. The results are glorious and we hope all dads have a special time.

On Wednesday we were lucky enough to have a Science morning thanks to visiting science teachers from Blue Coat School. We tested how reactive different metals were and made electrical circuits using potatoes!

This afternoon we not only showed off our performance poetry skills by performing the poem ‘The Dragon Who Ate Our School’ infront of the whole school, but we also visited Greys to share some of our own Just So Stories with them. This allowed the children to see that writing always has a purpose and can be throughly enjoyed by others! Well done Highmoor.

Homework is daily reading, Doodle maths, spellings and times tables.

Have a lovely weekend all. 

Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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