Highmoor 10th May

Date: 10th May 2024 @ 2:26pm

Welcome to our week in Highmoor.

In maths we have continued to learn about telling the time. We have been switching between digital and analogue. Analogue is proving tricky for some of us so any time at home practising this would really help. We also learnt about am and pm and the 24 hour clock.

We wrote about part of the story of Journey in literacy. It was an exciting part of the story so we focused on adding tension and pace to our writing. We wrote long 'action chain' sentences with some very short sentences for impact. We also used the technique show don't tell to portray the girl's emotions.

We had several PSHE sessions focusing on how our bodies change through puberty. We were using scientifically correct terminology and all the children were very mature in their approach.

In PE we have been continuing to learn our Bollywood dance. We have now learnt all the moves, and are practising putting them together in time to the music. It is tricky as the music is so fast! We are also playing rounders on the Common in PE which is always enjoyed by all.

We continued learning about html in Computing. We designed a web page and thought about what the coding would like to portray the page. 

It was very exciting today as we got to see a Penny Farthing! Two in fact! Rosie Pollard's dad, Bill and his friend Matt came in to show school their Penny farthings and tell us about their upcoming trip. Details are in the newsletter.

Have a great weekend everyone, enjoy the sun while it's here! 

Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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