Greys Friday 7th February

Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 11:20am


On Thursday, in science, we discussed and sorted items into our needs and wants for human survival. We then considered and learned about what animals need to survive and we sang a song to help us remember the four essentials. Maybe the children could let you know what they are and sing the song to you!


We have had another busy week in maths. We have been using our knowledge of number bonds to 10 to make connections to number bonds to 20 and understanding the relationships between the tens and the ones. We have also been comparing tricky addition and subtraction number sentences by using the greater than, less than or equals to symbols.  We have been using lots of resources to help us including ten frames and hunderds square, and on Tuesday we went onto the playground to draw our own tens frames with chalk which helped us understand our number bonds to 20.

Show and Tell

We have been enjoying show and tell this term to support oral literacy. We have created a timetable so we know which day we are bringing our items in to show. We have been shown some really interesting belongs that include a microscope, a flying ball and some 3D animal puzzles. If you have any questions about show and tell please do not hesitate to ask Mrs Elson.  

Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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