Greys Class 9 - 13 October

Date: 15th Oct 2023 @ 6:40pm

9 to 13 October.

This week saw our Greys Class start Rugby coaching on Tuesday morning.  The children were thoroughly engaged and seemed to love the drills they were given by the two young coaches.

This is to be a weekly lesson and a reminder to ensure your child has the appropriate trainers and kit. 

Our children made us so proud on Wednesday when we had prospective parents visit in the morning; hey were polite, engaged in their lessons, and beautifully behaved.

In Maths both Year 1 and Year 2 are learning to write number sentences and practicing their bonds within and to 10 and beyond for the Year 2's. We spent lots of time playing with numicon, blocks and counters to ensure the children get to grips with the concept behind the abstract process of number sentence writing.

In English, Year 1 children read a poem and learnt about poetic rhythmn before attempting to write their own short poems.

The Year 2's embarked on a report writing module this week based on a text on the History of Transport. I am so proud of their focus and the planning they have done in preparation for their eventual independent report writing.

We began reading a new class reader much to the delight of the children. 

In Science we carried out an experiment in an attempt to make 'plastic' from milk and vinegar; this is an extension of our study of materials and how they can be changed. Our classroom smelt rather bad for a bit and we learnt loads about contingencies and adjustments which had to be made in order to ge the result we were seeking. We were very grateful to Mrs Hilton who stepped in to assist us.

In Art we continued our theme of observational drawing by taking oil pastels and paper on clipboards out onto the common to draw the trunk of their much loved Conker tree.  The children were reminded and encouraged  to 'look with their eyes and not with their brains' and to get their eyes to tell their hands what to draw.  They carefully drew wonderful tree trunks and then came indoors to use acrylic paint , earbuds and fingertips to add their autumn leaves. Their 'trees' are fabulous and can be seen on the board in the passage outside our classroom.

On Wednesday this week I have told the children about the 'fun flying afternoon' we have planned for them. I have told the class they may bring one 'transport-related toy' to school each on Wednesday to show the class and demonstrate if they wish and with your approval. 

Please remind your children to play Doodle Maths daily if possible. This is an amazing program the school has access to for now provided it is being used by most of the students. Over the next while I urge you to encourage them to use it to consolidate their knowledge of bonds, as this would stand them in good stead going forward.

Wishing you all a good week as we look forward to the half-term break. 

Mrs Tully





Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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