Grey's Class 17 May
Date: 17th May 2024 @ 5:33pm
This week our children were very busy researching living things from written material in hard copy and from the school iPads.
They gathered their facts, sorted them into headings and sub-headings and then used their hard work to create beautiful posters. This was a cross-curricular task and covered both English and Science.
In Maths Year ones have been learning about position and many found this spacial concept quite tricky. They are learning ' to the left of' , forwards, backwards, half turns and quarter turns.
Year 2's have continued with fractions. They are learning to calculate a 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 of a whole. They are doing so well!
In PSHE the Year 1's contiued learning about keeping their bodies healthy and this week they were asked to keep a sleep journal. Please could these be returned pn Monday.
Year 2's learnt anout stereoptyping. They were asked to sort activities into those that 'are' done by girls and those done by boys. There was some healthy debate and eventually all agreed that all activites can be done by both boys and girls. They discussed how it was not ok to pre-judge people on the grounds of race, religion or association. I am so impressed by the level of thoughtfulness and discussion that takes place during these lessons. You can be so proud of them!
During Computers, the class took three photos using the iPads; one of a man-made object, one of a friend and one in nature. This coming week they will be shown some basic editing skills.
In History Grey's class were introduced to Mary Seacole. After watching a brief clip about her life, we discussed and compared her life with that of Florence Nightingale. The stark differences and some similarities did not escape them.
In R.E the children finished listening to the story of Joseph the dreamer and watched the end of the musical.
Mrs Fowler has been so impressed with how well Grey's children are playing their Glock and spiels.
Please remind children to play Doodle Maths for consolidation. Some assignements are specific to individual children whose needs have been identified by me.
Please read daily with your children; Monday and Tuesday - books from home. Wednesday to Friday - Little Wandle group readers.
Nessy for those children (They know who they are)who do this at school. You may play at home using the login: crabbyskate and your name.
Have a great weekend.
Jen Tully