Greys 7 June

Date: 7th Jun 2024 @ 4:45pm

Hi all

We had a busy, but fun week back this week.

The Year 1 children are hard at work honing their phonics skills and are doing really well. Thank you so much for supporting this with the daily reading practice you do at home with your child. We can really see the diffrence.

The Year 2's have been concentrating on exception words and homophones this week.

In Maths, the year 1's started counting forwards and backwards using numbers to 100.  They are learning about place value; the value of the 5 in the number 56 is 5 tens or 50 and the 6' = 6 ones or units.

As the next section to be tacked is 'Money', it would be great if you start exploring coins and their value with emphasis on the tens and ones concept being covered at the moment.

The Year 2's are doing so well in the section on Time that they are busy with. They have learnt o'clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past. Ask them to tell you the time on an analogue watch. Practising counting in 5's and 10's will also help with consolidation.

In Englsih the children were introduced to Bob via illustrations from our Literacy Study book. They had to formulate sentences to try to ask in order to find out what job Bob does, why he sleeps with the curtains open etc.

We read our book, 'Man on the Moon' which the chiildren enjoyed. They especially enjoyed searching for the hidden aliens in each scene.

In cross-curricular studies, in History, Grey's Class learnt about the first 'real' men on moon back in 1969. They contextualised this event on a timeline by comparing the first flight by the Wright Brothers in 1903.

In Science we have started learning about animal diets and teeth. They learned and are really knowledgeable on the terminology already and know about herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. Ask you child to tell you about them.

In Religious Education we learnt about the Jewish weekly practice of celebrating Shabbat and what that entails.

On Wednesday we had a short visit to Gallowstree Field where Clive and Veronica, from Hedgecraft, showed the children his rewilded field of grasses. He spoke to them about caring for the soil and about holistic farming; not using any chemicals to eradicate weeds or feed the soil. Instead they allow sheep into the field who in turn fertilise the soil with the droppings. They sat on logs from the tree cut down at the tennis club and learnt about the growth rings. After counting them, the children concluded that the tree must have been between 60 and 70 years old.

Clive then showed them the wheat and barley growing on the neighbouring farm and then his field of wild flowers. We collected some of these and learnt about the adaptations of plants like the cleaver plant, which is sticky so that it is able to stick onto animals to spread elsewhere, The children were so polite and asked amazing question. They really impressed Clive and Veroncia with their knowledge and I was so proud of them all!

Thank you to Jenny Dunn for her lovely photos and to Mr Steele for ferrying the groups to and from this beautfiul place. There is a short public footpath through the flowering field that you can all access. It's worth seeing.

On our return to school, the children created a collage of grasses and flowers they had picked and we stuck them down with plastic. They turned out beautifully.

Have a great weekend.

Jen Tully



Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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