Friday 19th July by Sienna and Amelie

Date: 19th Jul 2024 @ 1:29pm

Project Planet

This week has been very exciting as we have performed our end of year play. We did lots of practicing and it definitely paid off. We enjoyed the whole process from auditioning to making the props. It was so amazing to perform in the Kenton Theatre.


We had a very hot but very fun rounders tournament. A number of other local school attended and it took part on Peppard Common. We all played really well and our B team came first and our A team came second. 

Video blogs

We have also been doing end of year blogs. We have been going around the school blogging different ideas in pairs or threes. We recorded in different areas of the school and remenisced about our time at Peppard . It’s are last full week of term until we break up and it’s been really fun !! We will miss Peppard!

Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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