Friday 14th February

Date: 14th Feb 2025 @ 5:04pm

Weather reporters

We have really enjoyed our weather reporting topic this term and have created some beautiful, decriptive writing to describe the weather. We've included noun phrases, technical weather words, informal language and plenty of description! To finish off the topic, we presented our writing to the class in the role of weather reporters. 


The Common was muddy this week, so on Tuesday we designed and took part in a circuits class in our classroom. The exercises included star jumps, shuttle runs, side stretches and wall bounces. It was exhausting! We followed our circuits class by a bit of yoga to cool down. 

Hit the button

We have contiuned to enjoy playing Hit the Button this week! We have been busy practising quick recall on number bonds to ten and twenty, and this week we beat our record. Year 1s also beat their record on their quick recall of doubling numbers to 10. 

Happy half term break! 


Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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