17 November

Date: 20th Nov 2023 @ 2:22am

17 November

The children had a great end to a busy week. The anticipation of movie night and dress down day was huge! Thank you for all the moms who arranged this event.

That being said,our Little Wandle phonics and reading continued at pace with much excitement at the introduction of new split- diagraphs. Ask your Year 1 children to explain these to you as it is a great consolidation for them to articulate these. The year 2's are encouraged to read their books independently and to you regularly. We appreciate your support in this regard.

In Maths some of the children are finding the concept of subtraction challenging, but are making steady progress, both in Year 1 and in Year 2.  We are spending a lot of time using concrete objects like blocks and counters as well as more abstract things like numberlines to conceptualise subtraction as well as to use the language associated with it: minus, take away, difference etc.

In English the children have been learning about noun phrases using adjectives to make their creative writing more interesting, as well as to use commas when listing more than one adjective or when writing lists of things. 

In Science the children enjoyed making rain guages in groups. Mrs Tully had to assist with the drawing on of measurements as the children found this challenging on the uneven plastic bottle surface. Thank you so much to parents for sending in your empty bottles.

These groups are to measure the rain each day this week and record it.

In Geography Greys class were introduced to the names of the Oceans of the world and we recapped the names of the 7 continents. We talked about deserts and rivers and their characteristics.

In RE we learned the 'Lord's Prayer'.Our Nativity play rehearsals are coming on really well and the children are loving learning all the songs and actions.

In Computers we continued with our lessons on algorithms.

Please remember to send in cereal boxes and cardboard kitchen towel inners  and toilet roll inners for Tuesday. (Evidently toilet roll inner tubes are now allowed!)


Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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