16 - 20 October

Date: 27th Oct 2023 @ 9:26pm

Last week before the Half Term.

In our English lessons this week , both Year 1 and Year 2 children explored the language and devices used in poetry. They attempted their own rhyming words and also learnt that not all poems have to rhyme.

We finished reading our class reader; Roald Dahl's 'Esio Trot' and the children were treated to the movie on Friday as they wound down the week before the break. Some children found parts of the story rather sad, however we discussed the fact that sometimes in life there is sadness, but learning about sadness helps us to recognise and appreciate joy . They perservered to the delightful happy ending and were reminded that this was just a story, and they are able to cope. I was very proud of them.

The children are learning about bonds to 10 and, for the year 2's, beyond 10. They are making really good progress generally and we have spent much time on consolodating their conceptual understanding by playing with blocks, numicons, counters etc. Please play games at home and in the car to reinforce their bonds, eg Can you add the numbers on the car registration plate on the car in front and behind yours?

To conclude our History and Science for the term, we had a 'fun flying' afternoon. Unfortunately the weather was not very kind and some of the activities planned had to be abandoned.

Nevertheless, the class enjoyed flying their gliders on the common and had the opportunity to try various other 'flying' toys. Mr Fitzpatrick and Mr Tully were kind enought to assist Mrs Fowler (Thank you for braving the cold and wet!) and myself.

Some of the class brought their amazing flying toys and remote control cars to school to show the class and demonstrate much to the delight of their classmates and much hilarity. The children made a 'human tunnel' for their friend's remote car. They had fun.

Please remind your children to read their books and to play Doodle Maths when they are able; we are seeing signs of progress in Maths by those children who are diligently using the platform. 

I hope you have had a fabulous break and look forward to the new term on Tuesday 31 October.


Mrs Tully

Peppard Church of England Primary School

Church Lane, Peppard, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5JU

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